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EU Project/2021

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"Research, design and development of environmentally friendly electric vehicles made of advanced composite materials, equipped with photovoltaic panels and the realization of an assembly line to obtain the final product"


SC Belco Avia SRL is the beneficiary of the project "Research, design and development of ecological electric vehicles made of advanced composite materials, equipped with photovoltaic panels and the realization of an assembly line to obtain the final product", SMIS code 136062, financed through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 - Promoting technology transfer, Specific Objective 1.2 - Increasing innovation in companies by supporting multisectoral approaches resulting from the implementation of the "Less Developed Regions Initiative" in Romania, Projects Call no. POR / 2019/1 / 1.1 / OS 1.2 / 1.


The general objective of the project is to ensure the development and intelligent specialization of Belco Avia S.R.L. by diversifying the production activity, carried out based on CAEN code 2910 - Manufacture of road transport vehicles, in 2 stages: stage 1 of research and development, which will be completed by validating the prototypes created and stage 2 in which the necessary equipment will be purchased and will carry out the technological transfer based on the validation of the prototypes, the dissemination of the research results and the protection of the intellectual property rights.


The purpose of the project is to carry out industrial research and experimental development activities in the first stage and an "initial investment" in the second stage, in order to diversify the product unit, for the manufacture of L7e-CP and L7e-CU electric vehicles, made of advanced composite materials and equipped with photovoltaic panels.


In the first stage, of research - development, the molds necessary for the realization of components for assembling the prototype will be designed, and the prototypes will be created and tested for validation at laboratory level, corresponding to level 5 of technological maturity (TRL 5).


For research, three new posts will be created, of which at least one post will be filled by a person from a disadvantaged category. At the end of the research-development stage, there will be two validated prototypes of electric vehicles (one for each type), and the research results will be disseminated by publishing at least one article in a journal and participating in at least one conference or event. scientific. Also, the necessary steps will be taken for the preparation and submission of the trademark registration application, in order to be published in BOPI by OSIM. The validation of prototypes, the dissemination of knowledge, as well as the protection of intellectual property rights, represent the concrete activities of technological transfer, which will ensure the introduction of research results on the market, in the second stage.


Specific objectives of the project:


1. Creation of a minimum of 3 new posts within the enterprise, in stage 1 of the CDI, of which at least one for a person from a disadvantaged category, within a maximum of 36 months from the signing of the financing contract.

2. Submission of 2 applications for the trademark registered at OSIM, for publication in BOPI, within a maximum of 18 months from the signing of the financing contract.

3. Dissemination of knowledge resulting from research and development activities in Stage I through at least 1 publication in CNCSIS recognized journals category A or B or ISI listed journals / publications and through at least 1 participation in scientific conferences / trade fairs, exhibitions and other events profile, within a maximum of 18 months from the signing of the financing contract.


Project results:


1. A minimum of 3 newly created posts within the undertaking, of which at least one for a person from a disadvantaged category.

2. 2 trademark applications filed with OSIM, for publication in BOPI.

3. Minimum 1 publication in CNCSIS recognized journals category A or B or ISI listed journals / publications and minimum 1 participation in scientific conferences / specialized fairs, exhibitions and other profile events.


Project start date: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023.

Project implementation period: 09.06.2021 - 31.12.2023.


Valoarea totală a proiectului este de 86.278.881,30 lei, iar valoarea totală eligibilă a proiectului este de 72.936.011,97 lei, din care valoarea nerambursabilă este de 46.996.935,10 lei (39.947.394,91 lei contribuție din FEDR și 7.049.540,19 lei contribuție din bugetul național).


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We invest in your future! Project co - financed by the European Fund of Regional Development through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020




 The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania

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